Top 6 benefits of crate training a dog

Top 6 benefits of crate training a dog

Veterinarians and professional dog trainers have accepted crate training as a helpful tool for promoting desirable behavior in dogs and puppies. It’s also considered one of the most beneficial life skills to teach dogs to keep them safe in stressful situations. Moreover, the benefits of crate-training dogs and puppies go far beyond keeping the pets in an enclosed space. The dog crates also encourage the pet’s safety outside and inside the house.

What is a dog crate?
A dog crate is a plastic or collapsible metal pen large enough for the dog to stand up and turn around whenever necessary. This crate is a place for the dog/puppy to be in when there is no one around. The purpose of a dog crate is to provide confinement and promote safety, house training, and security for the dog. Furthermore, the crate also acts as the dog’s bed and sanctuary.

Why should a dog crate be used?
If used correctly and humanely, a dog crate can benefit the pet dog/puppy and its owner. Some of these benefits include:
Avoiding fear, confusion, and anxiety
Promoting bowel control
Convenient inclusion during trips and family outings

As dogs are immensely social beings, they need to feel included in the family and its activities. Hence, at times like these, crate training can prove to be incredibly beneficial as the dog/puppy feels safe inside the house and becomes an integral part of the family.

What are the benefits of crate-training dogs and puppies?
New dog owners might feel that the practice of crate training is cruel, but when used properly, the dog crate creates a haven for the pet. So, here are some of the benefits of crate-training dogs and puppies.

Crates keep the dog/puppy safe in the car
In most cases, dogs and puppies get scared and uncomfortable during car rides. This can lead to uncontrollable behavior such as yowling, lunging, barking, and constant movement, which is unsafe for the pet. However, dog crates restrict the movement of the dog/puppy, help them feel less anxious, and encourage calmness during a car ride. Furthermore, during an accident, the crate provides an additional layer of safety, ensuring the newest member of the family is safe from harm.

Crates help the dog/puppy settle down in a new environment
When on vacation, it might become difficult for the dog to remain calm in a new environment. This might lead to restlessness, and the puppy might also feel disoriented. However, if the dog/puppy is crate trained, it becomes easier for the family to take their pet along on vacations, as the dog feels a sense of familiarity and belonging inside the crate. This makes it easier for the furry member to adjust to the new surroundings without becoming overwhelmed.

Crates prepare dogs and puppies for emergencies
In cases where one needs to evacuate the house urgently, a crate-trained dog/puppy can prove to be one less stressor off the plate. The crate training not only helps load the dog in the car quickly but also gives the dog an additional safe place during such stressful times. Furthermore, it helps the pet dog/puppy remain still instead of roaming around in a new and unfamiliar area.

Dog crates help keep escape artists contained
Some dogs and puppies are incredibly talented escape artists, which may get them into trouble. However, when the pet is contained inside an escape-proof crate, the owner might feel less stressed, knowing that their furry friend cannot get into trouble. Furthermore, it also allows the dog to remain inside the safety of the house and not become the victim of an accident on the road.

Crate training prevents destructive behavior
Dogs and puppies are immensely curious beings. They may try to sniff out the most insignificant of things and may cause more harm in the process. If left free and unsupervised, the dogs may resort to destructive behaviors such as chewing furniture. Hence, at times like these, one can benefit from crate training their dog/puppy and avoid any destruction inside or outside the house.

Crate training benefits dogs across all ages
Usually, dogs instinctively keep their sleeping areas clean. Hence, crate training may prove beneficial for bowel control. Moreover, it also helps keep curious puppies safe, teaches them that freedom is a privilege, and helps them understand that they may get more space when their house training skills improve. In addition, when it comes to older dogs dealing with health problems such as incontinence, the pets do not need to learn a new set of rules, and the crate also provides them with a space to rest comfortably.

Further, one must understand that the most important part of crate training is to make it a positive experience for the dog/puppy. Hence, meals and treats in the crate can be used as a reward. However, the dog or puppy must not be left in the crate all day, so limit the crate time based on the age of the dog, the level of house training, and the time the dog or puppy spends in the crate every day. At a starting price of $19.99, puppy and dog crates can be bought online or at the nearest pet store.

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