An overview of mini stroke- causes and symptoms explained

An overview of mini stroke- causes and symptoms explained

A healthy body is what dictates our need to get up early in the morning and go for a jog or slog away at the gym. Though the human body is quite unique, it is also very vulnerable. An outside agent or a glitch in our internal functioning can cause serious harm to our body. Our body is equipped with different organs that function simultaneously to keep us alive and thriving. However, no matter how intricate and awe-inspiring our bodily functions are, there are instances when certain disorders set in and we experience a lot of discomfort. It also brings our body’s mechanisms to a halt. A mini stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) is once such condition that hampers our body’s functions.

A mini stroke is a condition which is caused when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted. This condition causes stroke-like symptoms to surface. It does not cause a serious damage to our health but can damage some brain cells in this process.

A mini stroke doesn’t appear out of thin air, there are different factors that would subject the individual to mini stroke symptoms. They are blood clots, the presence of narrow blood vessels around your brain, high cholesterol, and diabetes. These are the major factors that make you more prone to mini stroke symptoms.
The next question that arises is, how would you know that the discomforts that you are experiencing are mini stroke symptoms. Here’s a list of mini stroke symptoms which would help you identify what’s ailing you and can help you acquire timely help.

You might experience a sudden surge in your blood pressure. A high blood pressure is an invitation to a variety of ailments including a possible heart stroke.

A severe headache is also one of the symptoms of a mini stroke. At times, it acts as the harbinger of a mini stroke.

You might experience weakness in a certain side of your body or a particular side of your body would become paralyzed.

Dizziness, blurred vision, and inability to speak coherently are the common symptoms of mini stroke. When your brain doesn’t function to its full capacity, the body parts too cannot perform their functions.

Mini stroke symptoms also include a change in your gait or uncoordinated body movements.

You might experience stiffness in your muscles, memory loss, and loss of sensation in some parts of the body.

Though mini strokes don’t cause severe damage, the recurrence of it is quite dangerous. In such cases, it is advisable to visit the doctor and seek medical help.

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