4 common types of mailboxes

4 common types of mailboxes

A mailbox is a common sight in most houses in the country. The delivery of mail began in the year 1775 and has since come a long way. In 1863, the United States Postal Service (USPS) started its free city delivery service. The process followed was very simple. A postman would ring the bell or knock on your door and hand over your mail. In case no one is home, the mail is left outside.

Mailboxes make things easier, as all your mails can just be put into them. Mailboxes have changed a lot over the years and now match USPS requirements and convenience. The various kinds of mailboxes now prominent in the country include the following.

  • Wall mount mailboxes
    A wall mount mailbox is fixed on a wall in front of a building or house. These mailboxes are ideal for people that opt for a walk-up mail delivery service. Such mailboxes can easily hold a large amount of mail at a time. These cheap mailboxes are not only easy on the pocket, but also can be locked. So, only those with access to the mailbox can view its content. However, they do not offer an option to put in outgoing mail.
  • Post mount mailboxes
    In postal areas where deliveries are made outside, without the postman visiting the house, post mount mailboxes are installed. These mailboxes are very useful, come with several features, and make it easy for postal workers, as they do not need to knock on each door. However, before opting for this kind of mailbox, make sure that the pole is cemented properly in the ground so that it does not fall over.
  • Mail slots
    These are cheap mailboxes ideal for apartments and smaller houses. You only see this kind of mailbox where the delivery of walk-up mail is zoned. Mail slots offer various advantages. They are simple, economical, convenient for mail delivery, and all your mails and parcels are sent right into your home.
  • Column mount mailbox
    Usually, mailboxes are pictured as long, rectangular-shaped boxes. However, column mailboxes are different. They are flatter recessed mailboxes that are mounted on columns made of stucco, concrete, stone, or brick. They are generally free-standing and give a professional look to your residence. If you choose a column mount mailbox, make sure that it is durable, weather-resistant, and sealed properly, or your mail might get damaged.

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